Objective-based thinking at every level


We believe high-conviction investing and diverse perspectives mean better results. We base our decisions on a long-term perspective, which we believe aligns our goals with the interests of our clients.

RIA Investments Table

Investments (125)

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    AMCAP Fund®EquityMutual FundsLarge GrowthU.S.Capital AppreciationGrowth
    American Funds® Global Insight FundEquityMutual FundsGlobal Large-Stock BlendGlobalCapital AppreciationGrowth
    American Funds® International Vantage FundEquityMutual FundsForeign Large GrowthInternationalCapital AppreciationGrowth
    EuroPacific Growth Fund®EquityMutual FundsForeign Large GrowthInternationalCapital AppreciationGrowth
    New Perspective Fund® EquityMutual FundsGlobal Large-Stock GrowthGlobalCapital AppreciationGrowth
    New World Fund®EquityMutual FundsDiversified Emerging MktsGlobalCapital AppreciationGrowth
    SMALLCAP World Fund®EquityMutual FundsGlobal Small/Mid StockGlobalCapital AppreciationGrowth
    The Growth Fund of America®EquityMutual FundsLarge GrowthU.S.Capital AppreciationGrowth
    The New Economy Fund®EquityMutual FundsGlobal Large-Stock GrowthU.S.Capital AppreciationGrowth
    American Funds® Developing World Growth and Income FundEquityMutual FundsDiversified Emerging MktsEmerging MarketsDividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    American Mutual Fund®EquityMutual FundsLarge ValueU.S.Dividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    Capital World Growth and Income Fund®EquityMutual FundsGlobal Large-Stock BlendGlobalDividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    Fundamental Investors®EquityMutual FundsLarge BlendU.S.Dividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    International Growth and Income FundEquityMutual FundsForeign Large BlendInternationalDividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    The Investment Company of America®EquityMutual FundsLarge BlendU.S.Dividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    Washington Mutual Investors FundEquityMutual FundsLarge BlendU.S.Dividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    American Funds® Global Growth PortfolioEquityMutual FundsGlobal Large-Stock GrowthGlobalPortfoliosGrowth
    American Funds® Growth PortfolioEquityMutual FundsAggressive AllocationN/APortfoliosGrowth
    Capital Group Global Equity ETFEquityExchange-Traded FundsGlobal Large-Stock BlendGlobalCapital AppreciationGrowth
    Capital Group Global Growth Equity ETFEquityExchange-Traded FundsGlobal Large-Stock GrowthGlobalCapital AppreciationGrowth
    Capital Group Growth ETFEquityExchange-Traded FundsLarge GrowthU.S.Capital AppreciationGrowth
    Capital Group International Equity ETFEquityExchange-Traded FundsForeign Large GrowthGlobalCapital AppreciationGrowth
    Capital Group International Focus Equity ETFEquityExchange-Traded FundsForeign Large BlendInternationalCapital AppreciationGrowth
    Capital Group New Geography Equity ETFEquityExchange-Traded FundsDiversified Emerging MktsGlobalCapital AppreciationGrowth
    Capital Group Conservative Equity ETFEquityExchange-Traded FundsLarge ValueU.S.Dividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    Capital Group Core Equity ETFEquityExchange-Traded FundsLarge BlendU.S.Dividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    Capital Group Dividend Growers ETFEquityExchange-Traded FundsGlobal Large-Stock BlendGlobalDividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    Capital Group Dividend Value ETFEquityExchange-Traded FundsLarge ValueU.S.Dividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    Capital Group International Core Equity ETFEquityExchange-Traded FundsForeign Large BlendInternationalDividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    American Funds® Global Growth Model PortfolioEquityModel PortfoliosGlobal Large-Stock GrowthN/APortfoliosGrowth
    American Funds® Growth Model PortfolioEquityModel PortfoliosAggressive AllocationN/APortfoliosGrowth
    Capital Group Global EquityEquitySeparately Managed AccountsGlobal Large-Stock BlendGlobalCapital AppreciationGrowth
    Capital Group Global GrowthEquitySeparately Managed AccountsGlobal Large-Stock GrowthGlobalCapital AppreciationGrowth
    Capital Group International EquityEquitySeparately Managed AccountsForeign Large GrowthInternationalCapital AppreciationGrowth
    Capital Group International GrowthEquitySeparately Managed AccountsForeign Large GrowthInternationalCapital AppreciationGrowth
    Capital Group U.S. EquityEquitySeparately Managed AccountsLarge GrowthU.S.Capital AppreciationGrowth
    Capital Group U.S. Flexible GrowthEquitySeparately Managed AccountsLarge GrowthU.S.Capital AppreciationGrowth
    Capital Group U.S. GrowthEquitySeparately Managed AccountsLarge GrowthU.S.Capital AppreciationGrowth
    Capital Group U.S. Conservative Growth and IncomeEquitySeparately Managed AccountsLarge ValueU.S.Dividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    Capital Group U.S. CoreEquitySeparately Managed AccountsLarge BlendU.S.Dividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    Capital Group U.S. Flexible Growth and IncomeEquitySeparately Managed AccountsLarge BlendU.S.Dividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    Capital Group U.S. Income and GrowthEquitySeparately Managed AccountsLarge BlendU.S.Dividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    Capital Group World Dividend GrowersEquitySeparately Managed AccountsGlobal Large-Stock BlendGlobalDividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    Capital Income Builder®Multi AssetMutual FundsGlobal AllocationGlobalDividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    The Income Fund of America®Multi AssetMutual FundsModerately Aggressive AllocationU.S.Dividend Income and AppreciationGrowth and Income
    American Balanced Fund®Multi AssetMutual FundsModerate AllocationU.S.BalancedGrowth and Income
    American Funds® Global Balanced FundMulti AssetMutual FundsGlobal AllocationGlobalBalancedGrowth and Income
    American Funds 2010 Target Date Retirement Fund®Multi AssetMutual FundsTarget-Date 2000-2010N/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds 2015 Target Date Retirement Fund®Multi AssetMutual FundsTarget-Date 2015N/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds 2020 Target Date Retirement Fund®Multi AssetMutual FundsTarget-Date 2020N/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds 2025 Target Date Retirement Fund®Multi AssetMutual FundsTarget-Date 2025N/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds 2030 Target Date Retirement Fund®Multi AssetMutual FundsTarget-Date 2030N/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds 2035 Target Date Retirement Fund®Multi AssetMutual FundsTarget-Date 2035N/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds 2040 Target Date Retirement Fund®Multi AssetMutual FundsTarget-Date 2040N/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds 2045 Target Date Retirement Fund®Multi AssetMutual FundsTarget-Date 2045N/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds 2050 Target Date Retirement Fund® Multi AssetMutual FundsTarget-Date 2050N/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds 2055 Target Date Retirement Fund®Multi AssetMutual FundsTarget-Date 2055N/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds 2060 Target Date Retirement Fund®Multi AssetMutual FundsTarget-Date 2060N/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds College 2027 Fund®Multi AssetMutual FundsModerately Conservative AllocationN/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds College 2030 Fund®Multi AssetMutual FundsModerately Conservative AllocationN/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds College 2033 Fund®Multi AssetMutual FundsModerate AllocationN/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds® 2065 Target Date Retirement FundMulti AssetMutual FundsTarget-Date 2065+N/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds® 2070 Target Date Retirement FundMulti AssetMutual FundsTarget-Date 2065+N/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds College 2036 FundMulti AssetMutual FundsModerately Aggressive AllocationN/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds College 2039 FundMulti AssetMutual FundsModerately Aggressive AllocationN/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds® Conservative Growth and Income PortfolioMulti AssetMutual FundsModerately Conservative AllocationN/APortfoliosGrowth and Income
    American Funds® Growth and Income PortfolioMulti AssetMutual FundsModerately Aggressive AllocationN/APortfoliosGrowth and Income
    American Funds® Moderate Growth and Income PortfolioMulti AssetMutual FundsModerate AllocationN/APortfoliosGrowth and Income
    American Funds® Retirement Income Portfolio — ConservativeMulti AssetMutual FundsModerately Conservative AllocationN/APortfoliosIncome
    American Funds® Retirement Income Portfolio — EnhancedMulti AssetMutual FundsModerate AllocationN/APortfoliosIncome
    American Funds® Retirement Income Portfolio — ModerateMulti AssetMutual FundsModerate AllocationN/APortfoliosIncome
    American Funds® Tax-Aware Conservative Growth and Income PortfolioMulti AssetMutual FundsModerately Conservative AllocationN/APortfoliosGrowth and Income
    Capital Group Core Balanced ETFMulti AssetExchange-Traded FundsModerate AllocationU.S.BalancedGrowth and Income
    American Funds® Conservative Growth and Income Model PortfolioMulti AssetModel PortfoliosModerately Conservative AllocationN/APortfoliosGrowth and Income
    American Funds® Conservative Income and Growth Model PortfolioMulti AssetModel PortfoliosModerately Conservative AllocationN/APortfoliosGrowth and Income
    American Funds® Conservative Income Model PortfolioMulti AssetModel PortfoliosConservative AllocationN/APortfoliosPreservation and Income
    American Funds® Growth and Income Model PortfolioMulti AssetModel PortfoliosModerately Aggressive AllocationN/APortfoliosGrowth and Income
    American Funds® Moderate Growth and Income Model PortfolioMulti AssetModel PortfoliosModerate AllocationN/APortfoliosGrowth and Income
    American Funds® Moderate Growth Model PortfolioMulti AssetModel PortfoliosAggressive AllocationN/APortfoliosGrowth
    American Funds® Retirement Income Model Portfolio - ConservativeMulti AssetModel PortfoliosModerately Conservative AllocationnN/APortfoliosIncome
    American Funds® Retirement Income Model Portfolio - EnhancedMulti AssetModel PortfoliosModerate AllocationN/APortfoliosIncome
    American Funds® Retirement Income Model Portfolio - ModerateMulti AssetModel PortfoliosModerate AllocationN/APortfoliosIncome
    American Funds® Tax-Aware Conservative Growth and Income Model PortfolioMulti AssetModel PortfoliosModerately Conservative AllocationN/APortfoliosGrowth and Income
    American Funds® Tax-Aware Conservative Income Model PortfolioMulti AssetModel PortfoliosConservative AllocationN/APortfoliosPreservation and Income
    American Funds® Tax-Aware Growth and Income Model PortfolioMulti AssetModel PortfoliosModerately Aggressive AllocationN/APortfoliosGrowth and Income
    American Funds® Tax-Aware Moderate Growth and Income Model PortfolioMulti AssetModel PortfoliosModerate AllocationN/APortfoliosGrowth and Income
    American Funds® Tax-Aware Moderate Growth Model PortfolioMulti AssetModel PortfoliosAggressive AllocationN/APortfoliosGrowth
    American Funds® Tax-Aware Moderate Income Model PortfolioMulti AssetModel PortfoliosModerately Conservative AllocationN/APortfoliosPreservation and Income
    American Funds Emerging Markets Bond Fund®Fixed IncomeMutual FundsEmerging Markets BondEmerging MarketsTotal Return Fixed IncomeIncome
    American Funds® Multi-Sector Income FundFixed IncomeMutual FundsMultisector BondGlobalTotal Return Fixed IncomeIncome
    American Funds® Strategic Bond FundFixed IncomeMutual FundsIntermediate Core-Plus BondGlobalTotal Return Fixed IncomeIncome
    American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund®Fixed IncomeMutual FundsHigh Yield MuniU.S.Total Return Fixed IncomeIncome
    American High-Income Trust®Fixed IncomeMutual FundsHigh Yield BondU.S.Total Return Fixed IncomeIncome
    Capital World Bond Fund®Fixed IncomeMutual FundsGlobal BondGlobalTotal Return Fixed IncomeIncome
    American Funds Corporate Bond Fund®Fixed IncomeMutual FundsCorporate BondU.S.Income and PreservationIncome
    American Funds Inflation Linked Bond Fund®Fixed IncomeMutual FundsInflation-Protected BondU.S.Income and PreservationIncome
    American Funds Mortgage Fund®Fixed IncomeMutual FundsIntermediate GovernmentU.S.Income and PreservationIncome
    American Funds® Tax-Exempt Fund of New YorkFixed IncomeMutual FundsMuni New York LongU.S.Income and PreservationIncome
    The Bond Fund of America®Fixed IncomeMutual FundsIntermediate Core BondU.S.Income and PreservationIncome
    The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America®Fixed IncomeMutual FundsMuni National IntermU.S.Income and PreservationIncome
    The Tax-Exempt Fund of California®Fixed IncomeMutual FundsMuni California LongU.S.Income and PreservationIncome
    U.S. Government Securities Fund®Fixed IncomeMutual FundsIntermediate GovernmentU.S.Income and PreservationIncome
    American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund®Fixed IncomeMutual FundsMuni National ShortU.S.Capital PreservationPreservation and Income
    American Funds® U.S. Government Money Market FundFixed IncomeMutual FundsMoney Market - TaxableU.S.Capital PreservationN/A
    Intermediate Bond Fund of America®Fixed IncomeMutual FundsShort-Term BondU.S.Capital PreservationPreservation and Income
    Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America®Fixed IncomeMutual FundsMuni National ShortU.S.Capital PreservationPreservation and Income
    Short-Term Bond Fund of America®Fixed IncomeMutual FundsShort-Term BondU.S.Capital PreservationPreservation and Income
    American Funds College Enrollment Fund®Fixed IncomeMutual FundsShort-Term BondN/ATarget DateN/A
    American Funds® Preservation PortfolioFixed IncomeMutual FundsShort-Term BondN/APortfoliosPreservation and Income
    American Funds® Tax-Exempt Preservation PortfolioFixed IncomeMutual FundsMuni National ShortN/APortfoliosPreservation and Income
    Capital Group International Bond ETF (USD-Hedged)Fixed IncomeExchange-Traded FundsGlobal Bond (USD-Hedged)InternationalTotal Return Fixed IncomeIncome
    Capital Group Municipal High-Income ETFFixed IncomeExchange-Traded FundsHigh Yield MuniU.S.Total Return Fixed IncomeIncome
    Capital Group U.S. Multi-Sector Income ETFFixed IncomeExchange-Traded FundsMultisector BondU.S.Total Return Fixed IncomeIncome
    Capital Group Core Bond ETFFixed IncomeExchange-Traded FundsIntermediate Core BondU.S.Total Return Fixed IncomeIncome
    Capital Group Core Plus Income ETFFixed IncomeExchange-Traded FundsIntermediate Core-Plus BondU.S.Income and PreservationIncome
    Capital Group Municipal Income ETFFixed IncomeExchange-Traded FundsMuni National IntermU.S.Income and PreservationIncome
    Capital Group Short Duration Income ETFFixed IncomeExchange-Traded FundsShort-Term BondU.S.Income and PreservationPreservation and Income
    Capital Group Short Duration Municipal Income ETFFixed IncomeExchange-Traded FundsMuni National ShortU.S.Income and PreservationIncome
    Capital Group Ultra Short Income ETFFixed IncomeExchange-Traded FundsShort-Term BondU.S.Capital PreservationPreservation and Income
    American Funds® Preservation Model PortfolioFixed IncomeModel PortfoliosShort-Term BondN/APortfoliosPreservation and Income
    American Funds® Tax-Exempt Preservation Model PortfolioFixed IncomeModel PortfoliosMuni National ShortN/APortfoliosPreservation and Income
    Capital Group Core BondFixed IncomeSeparately Managed AccountsShort-Term BondU.S.Income and PreservationIncome
    Capital Group Intermediate MunicipalFixed IncomeSeparately Managed AccountsMuni National IntermU.S.Income and PreservationPreservation and Income
    Capital Group Long MunicipalFixed IncomeSeparately Managed AccountsMuni National LongU.S.Income and PreservationIncome
    Capital Group Short MunicipalFixed IncomeSeparately Managed AccountsMuni National ShortU.S.Income and PreservationPreservation and Income
    Investments are not FDIC-insured, nor are they deposits of or guaranteed by a bank or any other entity, so they may lose value.
    Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other important information is contained in the fund prospectuses and summary prospectuses, which can be obtained from a financial professional and should be read carefully before investing.
    Capital Group exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are actively managed and do not seek to replicate a specific index. ETF shares are bought and sold through an exchange at the then current market price, not net asset value (NAV), and are not individually redeemed from the fund. Shares may trade at a premium or discount to their NAV when traded on an exchange. Brokerage commissions will reduce returns. There can be no guarantee that an active market for ETFs will develop or be maintained, or that the ETF's listing will continue or remain unchanged.
    Investments in mortgage-related securities involve additional risks, such as prepayment risk.
    The use of derivatives involves a variety of risks, which may be different from, or greater than, the risks associated with investing in traditional securities, such as stocks and bonds.
    Lower rated bonds are subject to greater fluctuations in value and risk of loss of income and principal than higher rated bonds.
    The return of principal for bond portfolios and for portfolios with significant underlying bond holdings is not guaranteed. Investments are subject to the same interest rate, inflation and credit risks associated with the underlying bond holdings.
    Investing outside the United States involves risks, such as currency fluctuations, periods of illiquidity and price volatility. These risks may be heightened in connection with investments in developing countries.
    Nondiversified funds have the ability to invest a larger percentage of assets in the securities of a smaller number of issuers than a diversified fund. As a result, poor results by a single issuer could adversely affect fund results more than if the fund invested in a larger number of issuers. See the applicable prospectus for details.
    All Capital Group trademarks mentioned are owned by The Capital Group Companies, Inc., an affiliated company or fund. All other company and product names mentioned are the property of their respective companies.
    Capital Client Group, Inc.
    This content, developed by Capital Group, home of American Funds, should not be used as a primary basis for investment decisions and is not intended to serve as impartial investment or fiduciary advice.